Serbian National Internet Domain Registry (RNIDS), hereby invites interested consultants to express their intention to offer services for the
preparation of RNIDS for certification under ISO 2700 standard.
Task will include mapping of workflows and gap analysis, preparation of processes and procedures that satisfy ISO 27000, analysis of the information system and production of a plan for bringing RNIDS in line with ISO 2700, preparation of all documents and activities necessary for the successful certification and assisting RNIDS during the certification.
In order to qualify consultant must have a minimum of 5 (five) years experience in preparing companies for certification or certifying companies with ISO 2700 / BS 7799-2 standard.
Assignment is expected to last two consultant/months.
Public announcement for the submission of bids is expected to be announced in mid January 2012.
Consultants should send their expressions of interest and qualifications no later than January 10th, 2012 to: