27th February 2023 - 3rd March 2025
- Biljana Punoš, Deputy Chair of the Conference of Co-founders
14th September 2021 - 15th September 2023
- Vladimir Aleksić, Chair of the Conference of Co-founder
28th February 2021 - 27th February 2023
- Snežana Božić, Deputy Chair of the Conference of Co-founders
14th September 2019 - 15th September 2021
- Vladimir Aleksić, Chair of the Conference of Co-founder
9th February 2019 - 28th February 2021
- Snežana Božić, Deputy Chair of the Conference of Co-founders
16th September 2017 - 14th September 2019
- Zoran Buhavac, Chair of the Conference of Co-founder
16th September 2017 - 9th February 2019
- Ivan Minić, Deputy Chair of the Conference of Co-founders
19th September 2015 - 16th September 2017
- Zoran Buhavac, Chair of the Conference of Co-founders
- Ivan Minić, Deputy Chair of the Conference of Co-founders
21st September 2013 - 19th September 2015
- Vojislav Rodić, Chair of the Conference of Co-founders
- Goran Milanković, Deputy Chair of the Conference of Co-founders
24th September 2011 - 21st September 2013
- Vojislav Rodić, Chair of the Conference of Co-founders
- Slobodan Marković, Deputy Chair of the Conference of Co-founders
28th May 2011 - 24th September 2011
- Snežana Božić, Chair of the Conference of Co-founders
- Gordana Stevanović, Deputy Chair of the Conference of Co-founders
At a regular session of the RNIDS Assembly, held on 28th May 2011, the Statute of the RNIDS Found was approved, in compliance with the Endowments and Foundations Act. RNIDS would remain the same legal entity but a new management body would be introduced – the Conference of Co-founders – which would take on most of the competencies of the former RNIDS Assembly, while part of its responsibilities would pass to the Board of Governors.
20th June 2009 - 28th May 2011
- Snežana Božić-Malešević, Chair of the RNIDS Assembly
- Gordana Stevanović, Deputy Chair of the RNIDS Assembly
At an extraordinary session of the RNIDS Assembly, held on 20th June 2009, the Rules of the RNIDS Fund were amended and the functions of RNIDS Assembly Chair and Deputy Chair were introduced.
17th February 2007 - 20th June 2009
- Simo Ivaneža, Chair of the RNIDS Assembly
- Co-Chairs, that is deputies to the Chair, were elected at the RNIDS Assembly session itself
8th July 2006
- Đorđe Paunović, Chair of the RNIDS Founding Assembly